My Teaching Philosophy

    Every child can learn!  That is what I have discovered while at Manchester College.  To that belief I bring commitment, understanding, compassion, and a backpack filled with research based best teaching practices and strategies to teach.  Every child should be taught in the way they best learn and should be allowed to grow from and be met at their present educational level.  I believe students should be engaged in learning and take an active role in their own education.  As a community of learners, it is important to learn important life-skills and be able to take those skills and use them the rest of their lives.  As I begin and settle into my teaching career it is imperative for my students and myself that I continue to be a life-long learner.  With hard work and fun along the way our opportunities to grow will be unlimited.



It doesn't work to leap a twenty-foot chasm in two ten-foot jumps.

                                                                               American Proverb


Mrs. Meyers'

Sixth Grade Resource Room

Indian Springs Middle School

Columbia City, Indiana

Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Tourney


My bulletin boards


The resource room

Mrs. Stetzel's

Second Grade Classroom

Little Turtle Elementary School

Columbia City, Indiana


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